S.R. Sharma, Field General Manager, Punjab National Bank Delhi inaugurated a branch at Subhash Nagar, New Delhi. On this occasion, addressing the customers, Sharma informed that it is 70th Branch of Central Delhi Circle of Punjab National Bank which is being opened during the auspicious period of Navratras.
He informed that Punjab National Bank is 2nd largest public sector bank and one of the leading banks who are using latest techniques to provide good customer services. He said that since inception our bank is committed to customer service and to satisfy all the aspirations of the customers with the help of latest technologies. He invited the gathering to get associated with the bank and avail the services of the bank which he assured will be of high standard.
P.K. Shrimal, Circle Head, Central Delhi, also welcomed the gathering and requested them to bring more customers to PNB’s fold as it is their own bank. He informed that the branch is having all the latest facilities in the self service area besides separate lounge for High Value Customers. Shri Khushal Singh, Branch Manager, thanked the gathering for their enthusiasm for the PNB Branch in their area and offered them his Team’s services for PNB’s various products.
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